Features of marketing in the pharmacological business in the postcovid period
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Pharmaceutical marketing is an activity for the development, production and marketing of medicines based on a preliminary study of the needs of the pharmaceutical market. The active development of the digitalization of the pharmaceutical market was given by 2020, it marked the beginning of remote trade in medicines, closer contacts of company representatives with medical professionals through videoconferences, an increase in e-mail newsletters, an explosive growth in the volume of advertising on the Internet, the development of native advertising. Currently, promotion via the Internet plays a huge role, but the standard way of making a purchase decision remains. The buyer still goes through the stages of making a purchase: knowledge, interest, research, action, commitment. But the path from obtaining primary knowledge about the product to making a purchase becomes more difficult, since in addition to advertising, the recommendation of a doctor or pharmacist, the buyer studies the product using the Internet.

pharmaceutical marketing, doctor, pharmacy, digitalization

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