UDK 371.233.4 Экскурсии. Посещение музеев и осмотр достопримечательностей
UDK 371.315.1 Метод наблюдений
The publication highlights one of the active forms of organizing training – an excursion. The types of excursions conducted with first and second grade schoolchildren in accordance with the requirements of the Federal educational program in the subject “The World Around Us” are considered. The types of excursions are characterized: local history (social and natural history) and complex. In connection with the integrative content of the educational subject “The World Around Us,” preference is given to comprehensive excursions, since they allow children to be introduced to different objects, bring knowledge from different fields, that is, to form a well-rounded, informed personality. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of the teacher for the excursion, taking into account the age characteristics of the children, as well as the productive use of the observation method during its implementation.
students of first and second grades, excursion as an active form of learning, local history and comprehensive excursions, volume of educational material, observation method