Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the published review is to evaluate and analyze a textbook that has no analogues in the domestic political science educational and methodological literature, authored by Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor D.A. Yezhov. The author of the textbook has gained fame in the scientific community due to his research in the field of showization of politics, both in modern Russia and in various countries of the world community, as well as in the study of election campaigns and the peculiarities of electoral behavior of Russian voters during parliamentary and presidential elections. He has experience working at the Russian Center for Electoral Technology Training at the CEC of the Russian Federation, so he considers election problems from a practical point of view. The peer-reviewed textbook intended for undergraduate students studying in political science specialties provides a detailed description of the categorical apparatus of political analysis and forecasting in domestic political science, these mechanisms are considered in a comparative way with foreign analogues. The methodological and conceptual foundations of analytical and predictive techniques used in political research are analyzed. The experience of their application in modern Russia is considered on concrete examples from political practice (including managerial activities). The emphasis is on the study and comparison of methods of political analysis, political decision-making and forecasting (both in the short and long term). The author does not forget about the coverage of such controversial topics of the course as the analysis of theoretical and applied features of the domestic political TV discourse and the study of theoretical and methodological aspects and problems of forecasting electoral behavior at elections of various levels.

political forecasting, political decision-making, political analysis, political technologies, analysis of the political situation, political design, electoral behavior
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