Russian Federation
Introduction. At the present stage, a corpus of liturgical texts in Russian has been formed, which requires a comprehensive analysis within the hermeneutical direction. Thus, the methods of hermeneutic analysis, which is interdisciplinary in nature, can be applied in the analysis of liturgical texts in Russian. Hermeneutics of liturgical texts is the interpretation of a liturgical (liturgical) text from the point of view of its theological, historical, philological and other contexts and liturgical use in order to establish its true meaning and an accurate understanding of its content. Aim. The purpose of this study is to conduct a hermeneutic analysis of the chosen place of the anaphora of St. Basil the Great in Russian. Methods. descriptive, comparative, hermeneutical analysis methods. Results. The hermeneutic analysis of the part of the anaphora of St. Basil the Great in Russian is presented, which allows us to identify the interdisciplinary nature of this humanitarian field. At the same time, the proposed methodology allows applying a similar approach to other liturgical texts in Russian. Scientific novelty. The translation of Orthodox worship, being an act of intercultural communication, affects several linguistic and cultural traditions simultaneously: Greek Byzantine, Church Slavonic and Russian. Hermeneutical analysis of such texts in Russian requires special knowledge from these contexts. Practical significance. The results of this study allow for a comprehensive hermeneutic analysis of other liturgical texts in Russian.
hermeneutics of liturgical texts, liturgical texts in Russian, translation, intercultural communication, Orthodox worship
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