Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to rethinking the methodological content of teaching Russian as a foreign language in native and foreign language environments in connection with the changed conditions for teaching Russian as a foreign language and the transition to online learning. The authors of the article turned to a detailed analysis of some RCT processes that have emerged in the context of digital transformation. Attention is drawn to the need to create in these conditions a virtual language learning environment (LLE), which is a structured information and communication structure. The authors of the article touched upon some aspects of the rapidly changing educational space in the field of Russian as a foreign language. The article emphasizes that the mobility and flexibility of the methodological approach to the development and vision of a new understanding of already familiar and established concepts requires expanding the areas of rethinking. It is emphasized that the teacher’s task is to manage spontaneous extracurricular communication and take into account the environment in which mastery of the Russian language occurs. A lot here, according to the authors of the article, depends on the level of professionalism of the teacher, from whom the distance form requires the possession of new skills and abilities.

offline learning, virtual language learning environment, personalization, professionalism, competence, extracurricular work
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