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Abstract (English):
Ensuring labor protection and safety in the workplace is the responsibility of the employer. It is necessary to systematically carry out procedures aimed at improving working conditions and increasing the level of preparedness for actions in the conditions of localizing and eliminating the consequences of realized professional risks. One of the directions of state policy in the field of labor protection is the creation of conditions for the development of a healthy lifestyle. Note that the lives of many people are characterized by a lack of time, chronic fatigue and stressful situations. Permanent stress at work can become a source of professional burnout. This article examines teaching staff whose work is characterized by high responsibility and emotional intensity. The effectiveness of teachers’ work activities depends not only on the correct organization of educational and educational work, but also on their well-being. The professional health of teachers has a direct relationship with the level of training and education of the younger generation. Therefore, it is especially important to study the psychosocial factors that influence the professional health of teaching staff, to solve problems related to eliminating production stress and optimizing working conditions. The purpose of the work was to study the main symptoms of professional burnout and their impact on professional performance.

teachers, stress, emotional stress, professional burnout, professional health, working capacity
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