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Abstract (English):
This article explores the transformative impact of digital technology on modern recruitment practices. The traditional approach to recruitment has undergone significant changes due to the widespread integration of digital tools. In particular, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become key drivers of change, dramatically changing the dynamics of talent acquisition. This article examines the implications of this technological revolution, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities that accompany the introduction of these digital advances into the recruiting industry. In addition, the article discusses the problems of employee adaptation and continuous training, emphasizing the role of digital platforms in optimizing these processes. An analysis of digital measurement tools in performance management is presented. The article also examines the digital job search industry through examples from companies such as Head Hunter, LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor, and shows how these platforms use technology to connect job seekers with employers. Through real-life examples and comparisons, the article provides insight into the practical implications and benefits of digital adoption in the broader context of human resource management.

digital technologies, human resource management, human resource management, recruitment strategies, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, continuous learning, performance management
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