Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the study of the components of the inner stability of NPOs in the case of daily practice in 2011-2014, three non-profit organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT), various forms included in the register of NPOs. On the basis of monitoring of sites of NPOs, study of primary documents, expert survey the analysis of the components of internal sustainability of NPOs was conducted: management, internal image, staff, finance, services, and marketing. It is revealed: in the given time period there is no substantial transformation of internal sustainability of NPOs; non-profit organizations of various forms of type differentiation demonstrate sustainability; project management structure of the organization and the "quality" of the internal image and human capital in the NPO work to achieve internal stability of institutions. Reserves to increase the internal stability of NPOs are indicated: expansion of services on the basis of marketing technologies.

sustainability, non-profit organizations, indirect public administration, social services

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