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Abstract (English):
Consumer expectations of the population have a significant impact on the formation and change of the situation in the sphere of consumption. Subjective opinions and ideas of the population about various aspects of economic life are an important indicator of the current state and upcoming changes in the economic development of the country and region. One of the most important indicators that most fully and comprehensively reflects the situation in the consumer market is the consumer confidence index. This study presents the features and trends of the consumer confidence index of residents of the Vologda region, and analyzes socio-demographic differences in consumer sentiment. The features of the occurred and expected changes in the financial situation and economic situation in the country in the assessments of the region's population are identified. The results of sociological measurements carried out by the Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences were used as the information base for the study.

consumer confidence, standard of living, income, consumer spending, index, purchasing power
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