The article discusses the new conditions for the functioning of the hotel enterprises, due to the state policy of import substitution, which is carried out under the influence of economic sanctions on European countries and the United States against Russia. Focusing on domestic producers can have a positive impact on the efficiency the hospitality industry through the development of direct cooperation links. The most urgent needs of the hotel, the satisfaction of which by domestic producers faced with certain organizational and financial problems, require the development of public-private partnership. Small farmers are regarded as the main suppliers of foods to hotels in the regions. The necessity of government support measures for farmers as key strategic partners of the hotel enterprises in the regions is justified. The experience of the pilot project for the integration of farmers in the Internet space, which provides rapid remote communication of small farmers and hotel companies in the process of cooperation, is represented.
hospitality industry, import substitution, efficiency, partnership, farming enterprises, supply, quality, tourism industry, producers, cooperation links
Санкционное давление на российскую экономику и связанная с ним необходимость
импортозамещения коснулись не только отраслей, непосредственно явившихся объектом
экономических санкций (западноевропейских и ответных российских), но и затронула
смежные, взаимосвязанные с ними отрасли и сферы. Национальная туриндустрия,
ориентирующаяся в своем развитии на международные стандарты качества туристской
услуги, стремится к масштабированию современных технологий обслуживания, что
предполагает и соответствующее оснащение, и продуктовое обеспечение гостиничных
комплексов [3].
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