from 01.01.2019 until now
Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Labor protection and health of people is a state task, therefore, in accordance with Russian legislation, everyone has the right to work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees not only care for the life and health of workers, but also establishes the right to time intended for rest. The dynamic pace of modern life dictates its own conditions and requires high levels of mental and physical strength from people in different professions. In our opinion, pedagogical activity is especially filled with tense situations. In particular, the work of educators, which is associated with daily communication with children, their parents, work colleagues and management. A wide range of communication, relationships in a team, a variety of tasks and the intensity of work have a significant impact on the emotional state of teachers. Constant stress at work can lead to depression, poor health, low satisfaction with the profession and a formal attitude towards work, which is unacceptable when working with children. The purpose of the work is to analyze the psychosocial risks of preschool education that influence job satisfaction.
educators, stress, professional burnout, job satisfaction, physical ailments
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