Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
UDK 303.724.32 Регрессионный анализ
BBK 22 Физико-математические науки
The study objective is to assess the influence of the approximation method on the accuracy of the regression model. The task is to increase the accuracy of regression models using polynomial approximation methods. Research methods: the least square method, the polynomial approximation method. The novelty of the work: dependencies for the regression analysis of a multifactor experiment using polynomial approximation is developed, the influence of the approximation method on the accuracy of the regression model is analyzed. The study results: as a result of applying the developed dependencies, the accuracy of single-factor regression equations increased by 2.4 times, two-factor equations - by 1.7 times. Conclusions: the use of polynomial approximation makes it possible to increase the accuracy of single-factor and multifactor regression models, which increases their adequacy, the significance of coefficients and expands the possibilities of their application.
analysis, methods, model linearization, approximation, interpolation, extrapolation
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