UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
Today, small forms of management in the Russian agro-industrial complex occupy a significant share in the structure of producers for certain groups of agricultural raw materials and food. Institutional transformations that have taken place over decades in the agro-industrial complex have shown the viability of such a form of organization as agricultural cooperation. The advantages that determine the competitiveness of cooperation include reducing transaction costs, economies of scale, increasing the share of rural producers in the final price of products, etc. Modern socio-economic trends dictate new conditions for the formation of food chains and the participation of economic entities in them. In this connection, there is an urgent need to analyze trends in the development of agricultural consumer cooperation. This will make it possible to determine strategic directions for development and justify relevant measures of state support for both small business forms themselves and the cooperative form of their organization. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively analyze and substantiate the development trends of the institution of agricultural consumer cooperation, as the most important component of ensuring food security in Russia in modern conditions. Achieving this goal involves the use of general scientific methods of cognition (historical and logical, comparative and system-structural) and traditional methods of economic analysis. The trends in the development of the Institute of Agricultural Consumer Cooperation have been studied. A comprehensive analysis of the competitive advantages and weaknesses of small business forms in the agro-industrial complex was carried out. The potential for growth of the institution of agricultural consumer cooperation in the conditions of transformation of the socio-economic space has been identified. The experience of supporting agricultural cooperatives in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was studied. Measures of state support for the development of this institution that are relevant to current trends in economic development are substantiated. The results of the study and the conclusions drawn on their basis will be useful for supporting management decisions in the field of development of the agro-industrial complex, increasing the efficiency of planning and implementing state support for the small business sector in the agro-industrial complex
agricultural consumer cooperation, institution, structural transformation, food chain, government support
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