Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the ongoing processes of an immersive technology development in cultural and leisure activities. The authors examine the technology of immersing performers, as well as spectators, into an imaginary reality, i.e. into a simulated space through the participating activity of the objects when depicting a stage performance. Some special attention has been paid to the functional and structural immersiveness of the cultural and leisure environment, considered through such indicators as openness and accessibility, quality and quantity characteristics of the depicted image. A conclusion has been made that the creative diversity and opportunities for harmonious leisure can act as a marker of the uniqueness and attractiveness of the local regional space. The necessary directions in creating an immersive cultural and leisure environment are the following: participatory design, development of creative leisure projects and practices for enhancing cultural leisure.

cultural and leisure environment, immersive technologies, functional and structural immersiveness, method of immersion in an image, participation in creativity, art.

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