Moskva, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article substantiates the relevance of the topic of the formation and work of management teams and assesses the factors that influence the work of the management team and personnel as a whole. The information basis of the article is the Global Board Survey conducted by InterSearch and Board Network. The results of the analysis made it possible to note very convincing, universal conclusions and patterns presented in the article. The article presents the leading megatrends identified by the interviewed representatives of management teams, the most pressing challenges and problems for the company and promising areas of activity for management teams. The study also made it possible to highlight the requirements for the competencies and planning of the management team. Another aspect considered in the article is the efficiency, dynamics and effectiveness of the management team. As a result, recommendations were made to improve the efficiency of management teams.
personnel, management team, megatrends, management team planning, performance, operational efficiency
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