from 01.01.2006 until now
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The characteristic features of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are reflected in the work with personnel, are considered. There is a convergence in this business of the functions of the owner and manager, an increase in the role of the head of the company and each individual employee, speed of decisionmaking, and flexible organization of work. The identified problems in the process of personnel management of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), including business instability, the seasonal nature of activities, insufficient funds for the use of modern personnel management tools, difficulties in attracting highly qualified specialists, the predominance of administrative management methods, imperfection of the remuneration system. It is noted that an effective option for mitigating the effect of negative factors on the process of personnel management in SMEs is the cooperation of small and medium-sized businesses with scientific and educational organizations and, first of all, with universities. The obstacles to such cooperation and the main directions for overcoming these obstacles are identified. Among the latter are strengthening support for SMEs collaborating with scientific and educational institutions, intensifying work to create structures that facilitate the commercialization of the results of joint activities of SMEs and universities.
small and medium-sized businesses, personnel management, personnel management, labor organization, motivation, universities
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