from 01.01.2023 until now
Russian Federation
UDK 37.026.5 Многосторонность
UDK 37.026.6 Интерес, заинтересованность
UDK 37.026.7 Самостоятельность
UDK 37.026.8 Долговечность, прочность усвоенных знаний и навыков
UDK 37.026.9 Творческое мышление и поведение
UDK 37.025 Развитие психических и духовных способностей
UDK 373.1 Организация учебного процесса в общеобразовательной школе
UDK 373.3 Первая ступень обучения. Начальная школа
UDK 37.013.43 Культурная педагогика
UDK 37.013.41 Индивидуальная педагогика
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
Currently, the modern challenges and requirements facing the educational system, especially in the context of primary education, are of significant importance in the preparation of a modern primary school teacher. The task of primary school teachers training is of primary concern in the context of these changes. The transformation of education requires a new approach to the professional training of teachers that will meet modern requirements and expectations. One of the key factors influencing the quality of education is primary school teachers training. The study addresses the question of the key strategies needed to successfully prepare primary school teachers in today's educational environment. The research examines such key strategies as using innovative teaching methods, developing competencies in differentiated instruction, and addressing diverse student needs. Emphasis is placed on the importance of teacher professional development, the implementation of the latest educational technologies, and the creation of a supportive learning environment for teachers and students. The role of innovative methods in teacher training is emphasized and attention is focused on the importance of effective learning and development of children at the primary stage of education.
elementary education, primary classes, continuity, teacher training, innovative approach, modern education, legal environment.
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9. Sokolova I.I., Ilyushin L.S. Pedagogicheskaya stazhirovka kak innovacionnyy resurs lichnostnogo rosta uchitelya // ChiO. 2015. №4 (45). URL: (data obrascheniya: 09.04.2024).
10. Suhomlinskiy, V. A. Serdce otdayu detyam / V. A. Suhomlinskiy. – Kiev : Radyans'ka shkola,1974. – 288 s.
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