The need to identify verbal and non-verbal specifics of the Russian-language employment discourse, and the timeliness of analyzing the communicative behavior of job interviews’ participants (professionals from various areas) have determined the relevance of the present study. In terms of its discourse-forming properties, the professional discourse belongs to the institutional type of discourse. However, unlike other discourse types, the communicative environment in this case is considered interprofessional, since the agent (HR specialist), on one hand, and the client (a specialist from other area), on the other hand, represent different corporate cultures. The author of the article concludes that the effectiveness of the job applicant’s strategic program (a self-presentation strategy) depends on his/her ability to balance between authentic modesty and positive self-presentation. The article presents a newly formulated communicative code based on the analysis of the communicative successes and failures of job applicants. It includes a system of guiding principles, thus allowing job applicants to achieve communicative success during a job interview. The findings of the study have application in the training of HR experts, as well as in other areas related to the effectiveness of business communication. The study’s outcomes are significant for all potential employees with regard to the efficiency of the communicative behavior of interview participants.
professional discourse, job interview, communicative postulates, communicative codeX
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