Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Agriculture is one of the main sectors of the economy, as it is the foundation of the country’s food security. It is this that provides such vital food products for the population as: milk, meat, wheat, oils, honey, wool, etc. The economic restrictive measures that affected Russia were designed to weaken our country’s economy, undermine its stability and bring it closer to default. The sanctions affected many industries; agriculture was not spared, and although no direct sanctions were imposed on this industry, this indirectly affected farmers. The article examines the impact of sanctions on agriculture, ways to overcome the difficulties associated with this and the potential that, contrary to all Western European forecasts, agricultural organizations managed to increase during this difficult time. Very often you can hear the opinion from the Western media that this weakens the country, of course there are difficulties, but the article pays special attention to the positive effects that were achieved despite the sanctions. The author's model of the impact of sanctions on agriculture in the Russian Federation is presented, reflecting the consequences of sanctions pressure.

agricultural sector, sanctions, influence, import substitution, economy, crop production, animal husbandry.

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