Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
UDK 159.99 Прочие вопросы психологии
The article describes the experience of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the causes of difficulties in teaching a first-grader using the example of a particular case (parent-child triad). Based on phenomenological analysis, a conclusion is made about the primary role of parents in correcting the phenomenon of school maladjustment based on the identification of such parenting phenomena as authoritarian hypersocialization, dictate, rejection, conflict type of interaction, lack of quality communication, the study of which allows us to develop a strategy for improving family dynamics. A scheme of the consultation process based on a phenomenological approach is proposed, consisting of 10 sequentially implemented steps.
phenomenology of parenting, school maladjustment, educational failure, psychological counseling, parental attitude, family educatio
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