Obninsk, Kaluga, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
This article is devoted to evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of municipal authorities and officials. Public authorities periodically make changes to the domestic system for evaluating the effectiveness of municipalities, but a number of unresolved problems in this area still remain. Therefore, there is a need to study foreign methods of evaluating the activities of local governments. The article examines foreign practices of evaluating the effectiveness of municipalities in countries such as the USA (Florida, California and Texas), Great Britain, Germany, Japan and China. The author notes that in many foreign countries a system of balanced and cascaded indicators is used and benchmarking mechanisms are used. The article focuses on the CAF model and the Project Review System, which is included in the Deming and Shewhart PDCA/PDSA management cycle. The author of the article notes that the passive method with a unified assessment system prevails in the Russian Federation, as evidenced by a single list of indicators that is used to evaluate all municipalities of the country. The author of the article also analyzes the existing problems of the domestic assessment system and identifies areas for its improvement. In conclusion, the article notes that foreign and domestic experience in evaluating the effectiveness of municipal authorities shows that each system has both disadvantages and advantages. Today, Russia needs to take into account foreign assessment methods and implement best practices, thereby making the assessment system of local authorities more correct, transparent and fair.
system for evaluating the effectiveness of municipal authorities; methodology for evaluating municipalities; CAF model; Project Review System, benchmarking mechanisms; employee incentive system, unified information field.
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