Russian Federation
Modern socio-economic processes and changes in social structure are intensifying the need for career counseling. Increased competition in the labor market requires job seekers to have skills for effective job searching, resume writing, and successful performance in interviews, consequently increasing the demand for career counselors. The research aims to analyze current trends in the field of career counselor vacancies after the pandemic in Russia, including an analysis of changes in demand for career counseling and understanding of company preferences when posting such vacancies. The study offers a comprehensive analysis of the demand for career counseling after the pandemic, using statistical data and information on vacancies from various platforms. The practical significance of the research lies in the development of strategies for career program advancement, understanding the needs of employees and job seekers, as well as identifying specific features of posting vacancies for career counselors on different platforms. The theoretical and methodological aspects of researching the issues of career counseling in Russia assess the transformation of socio-economic processes and the modern social structure, analyze the global market for career counseling, and investigate government support programs. The research confirmed the relevance, significance, and potential for further development of career counseling in Russia in the context of contemporary challenges in the labor market.
career counseling, vocational guidance, market of career counseling services, job vacancy analysis, trends in the work of career consultants, government vocational guidance programs
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