Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the importance of training foreign language teachers in Kirghizia for successful adaptation to the conditions of the educational space of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries within the framework of the development of cultural and humanitarian ties. The aim of this study is to investigate the significance of communicative competence in the professional language training of future foreign language teachers in Kirghizia and to identify related problems. Examining the possibility of mutual integration of professional pedagogical education in Kirghizia and Russia, the author pays special attention to the effective interaction of participants of the educational process and emphasizes the need to form and develop their communicative competence in a multicultural multilingual educational environment. Since one of the main qualification requirements for a foreign language teacher, is the ability to effectively use modern teaching methods and technologies, it is necessary to develop professional cooperation and expand the exchange of scientific and practical experience. It is proposed to improve the quality of training of foreign language teachers in Kirghizia by integrating national systems of professional teacher education and using the experience of Rossotrudnichestvo, Erasmus+ programs and Tempus project. The author concludes that cooperation with Russian educators will contribute to improving the effectiveness of professional training of pedagogical staff in Kirghizia.

integration, national education systems, foreign language, teacher, professional training, communicative competence
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