Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This study examines the potential for the development of automobile tourism in Russia and its surrounding difficulties, focusing on the convenience and accessibility of tourist facilities. The analysis conducted includes a thorough dissection of the theoretical framework and consideration of the practical elements of the industry. The main objective is to improve and modernize road travel conditions in the country through a comprehensive approach. The paper analyzes existing data and conducts a comprehensive assessment that considers the many factors that influence road tourism. Key problems identified include limited development of the road network, regional differences in infrastructure and a lack of quality services in remote parts of Russia. The challenges faced by international tourism are also raised, including strict visa and customs procedures that prevent foreign road tourists from visiting Russia. It is highlighted that solving these problems will require efforts on the part of both the government and the private sector, in the form of partnership programs to improve infrastructure and services. Specific measures are proposed to develop the transportation network, improve road safety, stimulate rural and ecotourism, and support small businesses in tourism. At the same time, the integration of the latest technologies and the establishment of international tourism are emphasized. Emphasis is placed on the importance of environmental considerations for sustainable tourism development, given the growing interest in road travel in Russia. This study aims to develop strategies that can lead to the successful development of automobile tourism, enriching the economic and cultural life of the country.

automobile tourism, infrastructure, accessibility, comfort, regional development, ecotourism, international tourism, transportation safety, innovative technologies, sustainable development automobile tourism, infrastructure, accessibility, comfort, regional development, ecotourism, international tourism, transportation safety, innovative technologies, sustainable development
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