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Abstract (English):
The purpose of this article is to study the constructive logic of strategic partnership from the perspective of four national identities proposed by Winter and to identify the endogenous dynamics of continuous modernization and development of the Sino-Russian strategic partnership. The author chose content analysis and case study as the method. Having summarized the results of modern studies of strategic partnership, the author noted that at present, a theoretical turn has been outlined in the studies of strategic partnership. Using the example of the development of the Sino-Russian strategic partnership, the author outlined the history of its development and points out the dilemmas and shortcomings that Sino-Russian relations face in specific cooperation. As a result, the following conclusions were made: 1. Among the factors influencing international politics and international relations, culture, interaction and identity have a deeper impact on international relations. 2. Constructivism proposes four types of national identity: individual or group identity, type identity, role identity and collective identity. Based on these four types of identity, China and Russia constantly update their self-perceptions in the process of long-term interaction and at the same time promote the deepening of mutual understandings in the course of cooperation. 3. The four factors of homogeneity, interdependence, common destiny and self-restraint ultimately contributed to the formation of the collective identity of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership. The practical significance of the work is that as a model for managing relations, strategic partnership offers a new perspective on interstate interaction. Thanks to the collective identity of the strategic partnership, Russia and China flexibly respond to crises and challenges. Cooperation between the two countries in the fields of energy, currency, transportation of goods and security is constantly reorganized and reconstructed to counter the tough policies of the United States.

Russia, China, national identity, strategic partnership, collective identity
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