Russian Federation
from 01.01.2023 until now
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The emergence in an organization of a system of competent human capital management within the framework of the market reality that has developed today in domestic organizational management sets a framework for the management of organizations in the form of creating modern tools for managing the workforce. This trend entails the need to monitor the reasonable implementation and functioning of HR branding tools, which will ultimately achieve the desired effect from the processes of formation and development of corporate culture. Based on the results of an analysis of scientific literature, the article formulates the author’s definition of an organization’s HR brand, and also defines its structure. The effectiveness of introducing an HR brand into an organization’s activities is illustrated by examples of specific companies. An original study of the internal HR brand of PJSC Bank Kuznetsky was carried out. The purpose of this study is to study the phenomenon of HR branding in commercial organizations in the labor market of the Penza region and to develop a set of measures and recommendations for changing the company’s HR brand based on its EVP system and competitive advantages in the labor market. The specific proposals and recommendations proposed by the authors of the article for improving the internal HR brand of PJSC Bank Kuznetsky can be used by managers and HR specialists of other commercial organizations.
EVP of the organization, HR branding, HR brand, Kuznetsky Bank, banking sector, personnel, organizatio
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