Russian Federation
Introduction. The relevance of the problem of the status of foreign-language composites is due to their active borrowing by the Russian language, their use in various spheres of communication and their influence on the wordformation system of the Russian language. They are not always included in the Russian language as compound words. Aim. Determining of the conditions for assigning borrowed nouns to complex words. Methodology and research methods. The main content of the article is the analysis of the adaptation of the components of borrowed complex Anglicisms in modern Russian. The research uses methods of linguistic observation and description, etymological analysis. Results. The conducted research has shown that English compounds can be borrowed as complex words and as simple ones, but as their use grows in various spheres of speech communication, they are usually perceived by communicants as complex words. Their status of complex words is due to the assimilation of components: 1) using as independent words; 2) presence in a number of other loan words; 3) writing with a hyphen; 4) the ability to be the basis stems for creating new Russian words. Scientific novelty. The concept of "complex borrowing" has been clarified and the main conditions of this status have been defined. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the practice of compiling dictionaries of foreign words, morphemic and word-formation dictionaries of the Russian language.
borrowing, compound noun, composite, component;, assimilation, spheres of communication
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