Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the concept of the "Russian World" and its value components. In the context of a difficult international situation and the conduct of a Special military operation, government agencies and civil society are faced with the task of finding a worldview, ideological concept capable of consolidating society and spiritually mobilizing it to successfully complete the current tasks facing our country. Such a unifying integral idea can be the concept of the "Russian World", which is based on objective factors characterizing our civilizational path. The authors proceed from the position that this concept is based on the idea of a special, original path of development of Russia as a civilization, but it is aimed not at isolating our country, but at cooperation with states that profess and transmit traditional values. The insufficient research of the theory of the "Russian World", the lack of fundamental works on this issue provides significant opportunities for study. The purpose of our article is to search for the ability of the traditional values of the "Russian World" to become a fruitful ideological construct that will become the basis for the political consolidation of Russian society in the conditions of ITS implementation and the increasing pressure of the West. "Russian World" To this end, it was necessary to solve the following tasks: to identify the main supporting elements of the concept of the "Russian World", as well as to identify the attitude of the population of Russian regions, primarily young people to the main ideas of the "Russian World". The article used both theoretical methods – comparative analysis, synthesis, generalization, a systematic approach, and empirical methods - expert survey and online survey of residents of such regions as Moscow and the Rostov region. Moscow has the peculiarity of a central region, and the Rostov region is a border region, a frontier region, therefore, the comparison of the results was of particular interest. Among the active participants of the survey, students of Russian universities, as well as residents of these regions of older age categories, representatives of different professions can be distinguished. Based on the conducted expert survey, the main elements of the concept of the "Russian World" are highlighted. "Russian Ark", "Russian Monastery", alternative to the West, traditional values as a derivative of Christian virtues are at its core, the authors note. The concept of the "Russian Ark" as an association of Russian peoples while preserving the identity of their culture, in contrast to multiculturalism, based on the idea of a "melting pot", is particularly significant." The idea of a "Russian monastery" as a spiritual unity of people from different social strata is also of undoubted interest. There is an age difference when answering the question about the importance of religious values: young people show less commitment to religion than the adult generation. According to the authors, the theory of the "Russian World", an alternative to Western globalism, is in harmony with the concept of a multipolar world, which Russia actively defends in the international arena. The article concludes that the role of the consolidating national idea of the "Russian world" in the conditions of a Special military operation objectively increases in the strategy of public administration. According to the authors, representatives of the academic community, public and party activists, opinion leaders, and volunteers should actively participate in this consolidating work, which is so important for modern Russia in the era of historical challenge. Today, during the period of the SVO, it becomes clear that the fate of our country largely depends on the quality of our common work to popularize the values of the "Russian World".

"Russian World", SVO, The concept, traditional values, religious values, "Russian Ark", "Russian monastery", globalism, multiculturalism
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