Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
graduate student
Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
BBK 345 Общая технология машиностроения. Обработка металлов
The study objective is to form the working part of a rotating tool designed for rolling internal conical threads. The main task of this paper is to develop a scheme of forming a rolling system, mathematical modeling of a roller for producing surfaces, and the surface of the thread obtained after machining with a rolling tool. In this work, geometric methods of surface formation by cutting tools are applied, based on the use of vector equations to describe forming an internal conical thread. The novelty of the work is in constructing a surface model of a rolling tool and a roller, taking into account the peculiarities of its operation. A scheme of the forming system is also developed, using which a mathematical model of forming the internal conical thread is compiled and the deforming element of the rolling tool is profiled. This mathematical model will allow to determine the optimal cross-section for forming a rolling tool, taking into account the minimum error of the machined thread.
rolling, roller, rolling tool, mathematical modeling, process, forming, thread
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