Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of a study assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of digital solutions and platforms in the field of human resource management. The object of study of this article is department stores in the retail sector. The main goal of the study is to confirm the hypothesis put forward about the need to switch to digital tools for human resource management (WFM systems), as well as to confirm the effectiveness of their use. When conducting the research, the authors used general scientific methods such as the survey method, analogy and modeling based on elements of the architectural model of WFM work. The authors of the article identify the disadvantages of the traditional method for generating working time calculations and the advantages of the personnel management method using WFM tools. Based on the results of the study, the authors confirmed the hypothesis put forward on the basis of calculations carried out in a group of pilot department stores in the retail sector.

Workforce Management, retail, digital human resource management, planning and time tracking systems, efficiency of WFM implementation

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