Ryazan', Orel, Russian Federation
The paper studies a very important issue of modern communicative science dialogue between the author and the reader. On the material of modern English narrative four communicative strategies of metadiscourse are revealed: the strategy of imitation of direct communication between the author and the reader, the strategy of appeal to general knowledge of the reader, temporal strategy and the strategy of generalization. Each strategy has its own system of markers. The first strategy is realized by personal pronouns we, you, social expressions and clichés, introduction words and phrases, rhetorical questions to the reader and modal verbs. The markers of the second strategy are lexical means and rhetorical questions. The temporal strategy is marked by the grammar tenses and adverbs of frequency. The strategy of generalization is realized by indefinite pronouns and abstract nouns. The study shows that these strategies are often combined in one context, which emphasizes the communication between the author and the reader.
communicative strategy, metadiscourse, English narrative, tense shift, marker of metadiscourse
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