Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article addresses the specifics of the Gagauz carpet as an instrument of preservation and transmission of cultural identity. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the need to preserve and broadcast the intangible cultural heritage of the Gagauz culture, which includes carpet weaving. The aim of the article is to identify the role of the Gagauz carpet as an intergenerational tool of communication and transmission of the Gagauz cultural identity. The research is based on socio-cultural and historical approaches using the following methods: comparative-historical analysis, descriptive analysis, analysis of literature on the topic of the article, observation of carpet weaving techniques in Gagauzia. The study reveals the influence of Ottoman culture on Gagauz carpet weaving. The paper shows that the Gagauz carpet is an intergenerational tool of communication and contributes to the preservation and transmission of cultural identity. The authors conclude that it is necessary to create a centre for the revival of carpet weaving in Gagauzia and to hold classes under the guidance of experienced weavers. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of using the results obtained in the course of the cultural history of Gagauzia.

carpet weaving, intangible heritage, ornament, lint-free carpets, loom, festival
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