Russian Federation
The article provides an overview of the works of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Alexander Egorovich Dmitriev in the framework of developing the skills of working with educational information in younger schoolchildren. The main interests of A.E. Dmitriev in this field of scientific research are presented in the publications: "The effectiveness of the formation of skills and abilities in the system of primary education", "Modeling and implementation of technologies for the formation of readiness of primary school teachers for creative pedagogical activity", "Didactics of primary school".
working with educational information, junior schoolchildren, universal educational actions, A.E. Dmitriev
1. Dmitriev A.E. Didaktika nachal'noy shkoly: uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov / A.E. Dmitriev, Yu.A. Dmitriev. M.: Yurayt. 2022. 228 s.
2. Dmitriev A.E. Modelirovanie i realizaciya tehnologiy formirovaniya gotovnosti uchitelya nachal'nyh klassov k tvorcheskoy pedagogicheskoy deyatel'nosti. M.: Prometey. 2012. 336 s.
3. Dmitriev A.E. Rol' i mesto obucheniya umeniyam i navykam v uchebnom processe. M.: MGPI, 1958. 87 s.
4. Dmitriev A.E. Sochetanie obschih i programmirovannyh metodov obucheniya v nachal'noy shkole. M.: MGPI, 1969. 92 s.
5. Dmitriev A.E. Effektivnost' formirovaniya umeniy i navykov v sisteme nachal'nogo obucheniya // Pedagogika. 1991, № 5. S. 23-29.
6. Oficial'nyy sayt Moskovskogo pedagogicheskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (MPGU). URL: (data obrascheniya: 25.03.2022).
7. Pis'mo Ministerstva Prosvescheniya Rossiyskoy Federacii ot 05.07.2022 NTV-1290/03 «O napravlenii metodicheskih rekomendaciy» (vmeste s «Informacionno-metodicheskim pis'mom ob organizacii vneurochnoy deyatel'nosti v ramkah realizacii obnovlennyh Federal'nyh gosudarstvennyh obrazovatel'nyh standartov nachal'nogo obschego i osnovnogo obschego obrazovaniya»).