Fedotov Sergey

Author's profiles
  1. SPIN: 5983-5048
Academic degree
doctor of psychological sciences
Science rang
  1. Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs , Educational and Scientific Complex of Employment Psychology , Professor ,
  • Journal "Ergodesign" — deputy chairman of the editorial board, employee
  • Journal "Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior" — editorial board member, employee
  • Journal "Applied psychology and pedagogy" — member of the editorial board, employee
Contribution to science
Oblast' nauchnyh izyskaniy: psihologicheskoe soprovozhdenie deyatel'nosti sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del, professional'nyy psihologicheskiy otbor, social'no-psihologicheskiy trening, psihologicheskaya ustoychivost' sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del, razvitie professional'no vazhnyh kachestv, psihologicheskoe soprovozhdenie uchebnoy deyatel'nosti kursantov obrazovatel'nyh organizaciy sistemy MVD Rossii, podgotovka psihologov v obrazovatel'nyh organizaciyah sistemy MVD Rossii. Yavlyaetsya avtorom bolee 150 publikaciy po voprosam psihologii truda i ergonomike. Chlen Koordinacionno-metodicheskogo soveta po psihologicheskoy rabote s lichnym sostavom organov, organizaciy, podrazdeleniy sistemy MVD Rossii.
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
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