Применение метода деревьев классификации для сегментирования корпоративных клиентов на промышленном рынке
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The possibility of application of Classification tree method for segmentation of corporate clients in the industrial market is considered. The main theoretical approaches on statistical analysis methods for B2B market segmentation are analyzed. Classification tree method was chosen for segmentation of the clients in the market of polyvinylchloride profiles for window production and door blocks. The portrait of a target segment of big corporate customers is characterized. The authors gave some recommendations on creation of the marketing strategy for developing the relationship with the target corporate clients.

Ключевые слова:
сегментирование промышленных рынков, статистический метод деревьев классификации, исчерпывающий CHAID, ПВХ профиль, целевой сегмент.
Список литературы

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