Дискуссия о рациональности и легитимности применения пенсионной модели «дом за пенсию» в Китайской народной республике
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Пенсионная схема «дом за пенсию», также известная как обратная ипотека, в настоящее время используется во многих странах. Интерес к этой модели возрастает и в китайском обществе. В связи с этим возникает вопрос: насколько подобная схема применима к Китаю? В настоящей статье проанализированы возможные варианты адаптации схемы «дом за пенсию» к китайским условиям, и сделан вывод о том, что подобная модель не подходит Китаю. Китайская пенсионная система все еще нуждается в поддержке государственного бюджета как основного источника финансирования и использовании традиционной модели пенсионного обеспечения. Схема «дом за пенсию» сможет стать дополнительным источником финансирования лишь в будущем.

Ключевые слова:
«дом за пенсию», обратная ипотека, традиционная пенсионная система, законность.

Reverse mortgage is a financial product means old homeowners mortgaging house property to the insurance company or bank, and keeping the right of using the house, lending institution access to the house value; then the insurance company or bank pays money to the borrower based on the net value of the house;1when the borrower dies or the appointed time arrives, lending institution obtains ownership of the house which had mortgaged, and disposal it to compensate for their cash outlay. Because such a system makes the contrary with the traditional mortgage, it is called reverse mortgage.

On July 1, 2014, the house-for-pension insurance policies was implemented for the first time in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan four pilot cities. But it was cold at the beginning, no insurance company or bank launch house-for-pension insurance product on  the market, and only XingFu insurance company completed product research and development and reported it to China Insurance Regulatory Commission. “House-orpension” previously had been never tried in China. In 2005, Tangshan Nanjing “Wen Quan Liu Yuan” nursing home was the first institution which implemented it in China. During the operation, because of the lack of credit only a few businesses applied, and finally the idea failed because of economic disputes. In 2007, Shanghai Housing Fund Management Center launched the “selfhelp housing pension” project. After three years of operation, because of the fact that the most of old people could not accept the project that housing property should be sold to the housing fund management center at the beginning, the pilot project was forced to stop, and had “no recovered schedule”. Also in 2007, the Beijing Hengda Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd. and Beijing ShouShan-FuHai International Pension Service Center jointly launched the “pension house bank”.  However, because of business organizations’ lack of credit and the business scope restrictions, the business had operated just six months and stopped then. In 2008, Hangzhou Shanghu Qu Hubin Street introduced four alternative “House-forpension” models. The situation was similar — old people did not want to lose their house property right or choose “good room-for-poor room” plan, only a few old people had chosen “rent-for-pension”.

Список литературы

1. J. Thomas Oldham, Donald E. Wood, Chip Rainey. Equity Lending Comes To Texas. Texas Bar Journal, #61 (1998).

2. J.Alton Alsup. Information For Clients Of Texas Attorneys: Texas´ New And Improved Reverse Mortgage. Texas Bar Journal, #68 (2005).

3. Jean Reilly. Reverse Mortgages: Backing into the Future. The Elder Law Journa1, #5(1997).

4. Wi11iam J. Supper. ReverseMortgages:A Troubled Past, Promising Future? Journal of Financial Planning. January 2006.

5. Kee Lee Choua, NelsonW.Chowa. Willingness to consider applying for reverse mortgage in Hong Kong Chinese middleage homeowners. Habitat international, #30 (2006).

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