Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
During experiments on the modification of the high-latitude ionosphere by high-power HF radio waves of ordinary or extraordinary polarization of the EISCAT/Heating facility (Tromsø, Norway) in 2013, 2016, and 2019, Doppler measurements of diagnostic HF radio signals over long radio paths were carried out by the bistatic scatter method. We studied characteristics of Doppler frequency variations in bistatic scattered radio signals, using the experimental results obtained along radio paths of different lengths (up to ~8500 km) and orientation. We examined numerical dependences of the Doppler frequency variations in a radio signal on the azimuth of the wave vector of a radio wave incident onto an artificially disturbed region, on the bistatic scattering angle, and on the azimuthal direction of irregularity motion in an artificially disturbed region of the ionosphere. From simultaneous measurements of the Doppler frequency fD of the radio signal along two diagnostic radio paths, we numerically estimated the velocity vector of irregularities in the artificially disturbed region of the ionosphere. The total vector velocity of artificial ionospheric irregularities can be calculated from measurements of the Doppler frequency shift along several long diagnostic radio paths after preliminary analysis of experimental observations with the results of trajectory modeling of diagnostic HF radio signals.

Ключевые слова:
Radio wave propagation, small-scale artificial ionospheric irregularities, Doppler observations, the EISCAT heating facility, modeling
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Список литературы

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