Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper is devoted to research of a phenomenon related to debt and credit behavior in the context of ordinary ideas. The analysis of statistical data about current trends of credit and debt behavior is carried out. Economic, social and psychological factors and mechanisms of the debt behavior are marked. A special influence of post-industrial society’s prescriptions on the credit behavior is noted. A problem of differences in perception of an institutional type of a loan (credit) and not institutional type of a loan (debt) is separately considered. The research results testifying that there is a shift to risk in a situation so far as concerns a debt, and in ordinary idea the debt concept is more connected with money non-return possibility, than the credit concept, are presented. It is specified that the plastic money introduction factor essentially influences on emergence of individual debts, and this fact promotes the criticality decrease when shopping on credit. Age, gender and professional characteristics, influencing ideas of debts, have been allocated. The interrelation of debts and credits ideas with individual and psychological features has been considered. The influence of frame effects and procrastination as important mechanisms of problem debts formation has been noted. Uncertainty of terms and their remoteness from the real time point increase the debt’s nonpayment probability. Keywords: debtor’s psychology, debt behavior, credit behavior, institutional loan, economic

debtor’s psychology, debt behavior, credit behavior, institutional loan, economic factors, social and demographic factors, individual and psychological features, frame effects, procrastination.

Исследование проводилось при поддержке РГНФ (грант № 15-06-10710а «Влияние ценностно-смысловых ориентаций личности на чувство долга и типы долгового поведения в условиях экономической сделки».


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