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Abstract (English):
One of the ways allowing the increase of accuracy and control devices potentialities consists in the use of system complexes investigating a holographic image of an object under control. The design peculiarities of system complexes of this set allow using module-geometrical approach for the simulation of a surface investigated. The modulegeometrical approach allows, in its turn, obtaining the topography of a microrelief with an analytical description and conservation of a natural surface curvature and also a threedimensional model of an aerohydrodynamic surface with a complex shape which is a smooth module connection having also an analytical presentation. To obtain a holographic image of an object which allows fixing geometrical characteristics in a nanointerval are used the circuits of image recording through Leight-Upatnieks method. There is developed and approbated an optical circuit of a profilograph scanning a holographic image of an object in a visible interval of electro-magnetic waves and allowing the reception of surface characteristic for structuring its threedimensional model on the basis of a modulegeometrical approach. The circuit of a roentgenoprofilograph for active control of microrelief formation is developed.

optical circuit, profilograph, roentgeno-profilograph, microrelief topography, holographic control
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