The article discusses the hypothesis of HR-outsourcing as one of the most progressive HR technology of human resource management. The issue of human resources management in terms of improving its effective operation requires the development of new tools. In the process of the permanent transformation of the economy the realization of modern approaches of human resource management is a major aspect of the formation of the enterprise’s strategy. In the article were analyzed the character of outsourcing, formed the main areas of HR-outsourcing, researched the mechanism of decision-making regarding the implementation of HR-outsourcing considering the identified strengths and weaknesses. Application of this technology in the context of globalization of economic activities eco-oriented financial institutions helps to optimize the employment policy and labor market regulation in the period of destabilization. Development of HR-outsourcing will allow to work out an effective tool to anti-crisis mechanism of social support through the application of scientific approaches and a factors diagnostics.
outsourcing, the personnel, the financial institution, the factor, the business process.
Актуальность исследования обусловлена проблемой целесообразности использования HR-аутсорсинга эколого-ориентированными финансовыми учреждениями в условия нестабильного рынка труда. Субъекты социально-трудовых отношений стремятся адаптироваться к нынешним условиям функционирования рынка труда, а также выработать устойчивую кадровую политику, базирующуюся на заимствовании достижений ведущих организаций и непрерывной работе над выявлением и устранением слабых сторон, используя технологии бенчмаркинга.
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