Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
In today’s world, management has a great influence on functioning and development of enterprises. The process of personnel management carries one of the main components of the process — adaptation. The issues of professional adaptation were investigated both in domestic and in foreign publications. Despite the large number of scientific works devoted to problems of adaptation of the personnel, the topic is still relevant, since many organizations do not pay enough attention to this process. In this paper, we have investigated one of the functions of personnel management — adaptation. Various literatures on the problems of professional adaptation was reviewed, the concept of “professional adaptation” is described, many factors that influence the adaptation of the staff are analyzed and presented. Also, we carried out a study to identify the problems inherent in the process of professional adaptation of employees in the industrial sector. On the basis of results the main problems were presented identified in the course of the study and some recommendations for elimination of deficiencies discovered in the process of adaptation in the industrial sector.
adaptation, process adaptation, professional adaptation, factors influencing adaptation, criteria for the success of adaptation.
В настоящее время управленческая деятельность выступает одним из важнейших факторов функционирования и развития предприятий. Процесс управления персоналом направлен на обеспечение организации «качественным» персоналом, т.е. использование в максимальной степени интеллектуальных и физических способностей работника выполнять возложенные на него трудовые функции, оптимальное их использование через функции адаптации, мотивации, развития персонала. Адаптация персонала является одной из главных составляющих процесса управления персоналом [1].
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