Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article deals with the accumulated experience and problems of managing employee engagement in the public and private sectors. The data of international and national studies are presented, indicating that despite the eff orts made to manage employee engagement and signifi cant costs for the respective programs, its level either remains unchanged or decreases. The main reasons for the decrease in the level of employee engagement are identifi ed, including the professional burnout. On the basis of the analysis of the state of employee engagement management, the following problems are highlighted: 1) there is still no common understanding of the nature of engagement; 2) managers do not see a link between engagement and productivity growth, assess mainly short-term results, are not ready for the role of “an engaging leader; 3) companies do not represent the level of engagement that has developed to date, surveys are conducted irregularly, their results are not used to develop engagement; 4) engagement is often viewed as “as an HR project”, and not as a zone of overall management responsibility. Data are presented confi rming the convincing correlation between the power of corporate culture and the engagement, as well as the features of culture that contribute to increasing the level of engagement. The peculiarities of managing the employee engagement in the conditions of organizational changes are outlined.
employee engagement, engagement «crisis», professional burnout, corporate culture, involving leadership, feedback, organizational change.
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