Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugorskaya) regional public organisation of the Free Economic Society of Russia (Deputy head)
Surgut, Russian Federation
The fact of the active development in recent years of scientifi c thought in the direction of researching innovations in the digitalization of the economy remains a fact. Of course, much attention is paid to the study of hyperdynamic information fl ows. At the same time, one of the most important tasks is to study the necessary competences of personnel in the digital economy. The article presents a content analysis of the defi nition of “digital economy”, discusses the benefits and risks of the digital economy, and considers the requirements for personnel in the digital economy. The content analysis of the defi nitions of “orthobiotics”, “well-being” and “well-being” is presented. The eff ect of the transition from health to increase productivity is considered. The author proposes the operationalization of soft skills with the included competencies of the orthobiotic approach and well-being. The concept of the implementation of the orthobiotic approach and well-being in working with staff in the digital economy, developed by the author, is presented.
digital economy, requirements for personnel competencies in the digital economy, advantages of the digital economy, risks of the digital economy, hard skills and soft skills, orthobiotics, well-being, well-being, operationalization of soft skills with the included competencies of the orthobiotic approach and well-being. concept of orthobiotic approach and well-being
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