Subject. Strategic management of human resources defi nes the general direction in which the organization intends to follow, solving strategic problems and achieving the planned objectives. Such management defi nes in the long term practice of formation and development of human resources, managements of indicators of personnel work, etc. The modern competitive strategy of improvement of quality of labor in modern productions, has to be based on formation at workers of the key competences caused by branch specifics. Purposes. A main objective is to open one of human resource management approaches — marketing of the personnel representing the system of relationship of the organization with personnel. In modern conditions marketing of personnel promotes planning and realization of functional management of human resources. Methodology. For achievement of the planned results modeling methods — a structurization method are used. Results. Need of use of personnel marketing as resource-saving mechanism is proved in a personnel management system: the model of development of competences of workers and experts as one of elements of personnel marketing directed to increase in labor productivity in structural divisions of the oil company is off ered; it is provided creations of the centers of development of competences of organizational structure of large corporations and its interaction with the structural divisions which are responsible for development of a production system, the educational organizations and the companies which are carrying out the assessment of competences. Conclusions. Within the research it is noted that the model of development of competences of workers and experts has to be in the center of attention when forming the development strategy of the organization, representing one of elements based on which the organization forms competitive advantages of the personnel.
marketing of personnel, resource-saving, human resources, development of personnel, management
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