Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
p. Oktyabr'skiy, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 68.85 Механизация и электрификация сельского хозяйства
OKSO 35.06.04 Технологии, средства механизации и энергетическое оборудование в сельском, лесном и рыбном хозяйстве
BBK 40 Естественнонаучные и технические основы сельского хозяйства
TBK 5606 Техническое оснащение сельского хозяйства
Current trends in the engine industry are aimed at improving the power and fuel-economic indicators of an internal combustion engine (ICE). This, in turn, is accompanied by an increase in the mechanical and thermal load on the details of the cylinder-piston group (CPG). One of the most loaded parts of the CPG is the piston. Overheating of the piston leads to premature wear of rubbing surfaces, occurrence of piston rings and their breakdowns, jamming of pistons, burnouts of the piston bottom, etc. Modern technology can protect engine parts subject to thermal stresses, especially pistons, by using structural coatings or special insulating materials. The main idea of such a coating is to reflect thermal energy back into the combustion chamber, which should prevent the piston from overheating. Thermal protective coatings are applied by plasma and detonation methods, however, such coatings are destroyed during operation and therefore they are not widely used to reduce the temperature level of the piston. To improve the thermal insulation properties of the piston, it is proposed to form a heat-insulating coating on the working surfaces of the piston head by microarc oxidation (MAO). A distinctive feature of MAO is the participation in the process of covering formation of surface microdischarges that have a very significant and specific effect on the forming covering, as a result of which the composition and structure of the resulting oxidized layers are significantly different, and the properties are significantly increased compared to conventional anode films. Comparative motor tests, the results of which showed that an engine equipped with pistons with a heat-insulating coating on the working surfaces of the head, increase power by 5.3% and reduce fuel consumption by 5.7%, compared with an engine equipped with standard pistons.
engine, heat-insulating covering, power, fuel consumption, microarc oxidation
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