Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Digital revolution led to severe society modifications, including social structure transformation, primarily due to virtual reality existing simultaneously with reality. Despite that, one of the reasons of this transformation is post-modernism, that includes pluralism as well. As a result, individualized consciousness appears and formation of an increasingly heterogeneous society, the “minority society” begins. On the basis of these minority groups, relatively closed and self-sufficient communities can be created, i.e. neotribalism (according to L. Ionin). The variability of the social environment forms a new character of social inequality, which becomes “fluid”, uncertain, difficult to identify. The article considers new directions for studying social stratification, social inequality and social mobility, as well as issues of identity transformation in a changing society: digitalization makes the social structure dynamic, identity boundaries become fragile and unstable. The results of a sociological study of the social activity of young people on the Internet are described and analyzed. The primary sociological data features certain rationality of young people in evaluating the objectivity of information Internet resources, their ability to determine “discourse, that is, argumentation” in favor of certain forms of using the Internet’s capabilities. It is interesting to note that a significant part of the respondents admits the possibility of information distortion in social networks, but at the same time remains their regular participants. Thus, there is a need for a more serious social diagnosis of the problems of modern digital (network) society.

social structure, social stratification, digital society, digitalization, intellectual stratification

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