Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of a study on the employment of graduates of the first in the Russian Federation department of personnel management at the State University of Management (Moscow). A survey of former students showed that most of the respondents work in their specialty in organizations of various forms of ownership and areas of the economy. The positions of graduates and the job responsibilities performed by them reflect the whole range of professional activities of HR specialists, starting from the general management of personnel of specific organizations and ending with narrowly targeted posts. At the same time, respondents, as professionals, were identified the “weaknesses” of their training at the university, which were mostly related to the limited practical orientation of training, namely, the formation of competencies in the use of relevant personnel management tools. The questionnaire also revealed the variability of the professional interests of graduates, reflecting modern HR trends. The practical focus of the study lies in the possibility of studying the real state of personnel management practice through the professional experience of graduates; as a resource for scientific, educational, methodological and educational purposes for improving the educational process of the department; for the organization of career guidance work among students studying at the department and the formation of their professional culture; to develop a community of teachers, graduates and students of the department through the development of trusting mutually beneficial relationships.

department of personnel management, training, employment, graduates, the position of specialist in personnel management, functional duties

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