Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The modern school education is aimed at developing students’ personality, forming their traits and skills that can help them to cope with the challenges and changes in the content of education, as well as with educational technological advances (including information technology), forms of interaction (with all subjects of the educational process), new methods and means of education. The ultimate goal is to be ready for further self-realization in the conditions of constant changes in the surrounding society. The design of a new type of the learning environment that integrates all the resources and capabilities of the school educational space will contribute to achieving the desired goal. The article considers the features and differences between the concepts "learning environment" and "educational space", and discusses their impact on students. This paper also presents some approaches used to design the learning environment that was developed for the teaching staff of the school-kindergarten Educational Complex "Our School" (Novosibirsk): the mission of the school, the basic principles of organizing the educational space, the main system-forming approaches to the design of the school learning environment.
learning environment, educational space, personality development / individual development, influence of the environment on a person / effect of surroundings on a person, design of school learning environment
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