Russian Federation
Kaluga, Kaluga, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Kaluga, Russian Federation
The article discusses the environmental approach as the basis for the developing of the future teachers’ research competencies. Research competencies are among the general competencies provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. Therefore, the problem of training a teacher-researcher is one of the relevant issues of higher education pedagogy. The purpose of the research is to study the dynamics of the formation of future teachers’ research competencies under the influence of the university educational environment. As a result of a comparative analysis of the knowledge and skills of students in the field of research activities, a conclusion was made about the influence of the educational environment on the formation of a future teacher’s research position. Summarizing the experience of three regional universities in building the educational environment, its main components were identified (spatial, institutional, programmatic, organizational, content and competitive) are identified.
pedagogical education, research activities of students, research competence, environmental approach, educational environment of the university
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