Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article, the authors emphasize the importance of a differentiated approach to managing job satisfaction in dynamic socio-economic conditions, taking into account the social structure of the staff. The importance of timely management decisions to change motivational policies in order to retain core personnel to achieve business goals and maintain stable employee efficiency is shown. It is emphasized that the social structure of the staff is constantly undergoing changes and periodic measurement of its characteristics is required in order to establish the appropriateness of management efforts to maintain the social and financial well-being of the staff and the commitment of the company during their working life at large business enterprises. It is established that the monitoring of staff self-assessment of factors of job satisfaction is an effective tool that emphasizes the interest of management in the opinion of employees. The survey methodology and the results of in-depth data analysis can provide up-to-date information for making point management decisions. As an example, the results of a study of the overall level of satisfaction with labor factors of the personnel of two large-scale enterprises and their differentiation depending on gender, age, seniority and education are given, indicating the expediency of introducing differences in labor satisfaction management. It is shown that the effectiveness of job satisfaction management depends, first of all, on the timely assessment and identification of motivational factors of distress and growth factors in the context of the social structure of the staff and on their basis the formation of a targeted approach to motivation. The main problem in this regard is the underestimation by the company’s management of the influence of age, gender, seniority and education on the level of job satisfaction; an average assessment of all factors of job satisfaction and ignoring real problem areas and the subjective significance for employees of individual factors of job satisfaction, including in the context of the social structure of the staff; orientation to invited multifunctional employees, and not the disclosure of the potential of working qualified workers.

human capital, HR strategies, social structure of personnel, monitoring of the level of job satisfaction, differentiated approach to employee motivation, potential disclosure
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